Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Art Of Photography

Everyday I try new things. I can't say that I always succeed at them, but in my heart I know it is better to try try again, when you first don't succeed... SO I've been trying more photography and learning how to take pictures of one's self without people knowing it! ;) So I tried it... 

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Adorable DIY Chalk Board!

What you will Need:
1. A small wooden rimmed chalkboard (Available at JoAnn's or Hobby Lobby)
2. A heavy duty stapler
3. Ribbon or trim that fits the rim of the chalkboard 
4. Sticky rhinestones or jewels (Found at your local craft store)
5. A pair of scissors 
6. A hot glue gun

Alright, Now that you have what you need let's get started.

First you are going to take your ribbon or trim and put it around the front side of the wooden rim. Make sure it overlaps to the backside of the chalkboard. Take your stapler and staple on the BACK SIDE of the board. Do this on every side of the chalkboard. Ribbon or trim IS supposed to overlap back side of board and eventually over each other. Then take your hot glue gun and glue each rhinestone or jewel where you want it. And of course... Enjoy!

Monday, July 8, 2013

My Style!
Came up with this outfit the other day! What do you think?

Mint Blazer + Worded Tee + Stripey Skirt = Outfit Complete

DIY Hose Faucet Knob Hangers!

Absolutely LOVE this idea! Take old hose faucet knobs and paint them. Then screw into the wall in your laundry room/mud room, garage, bedrooms, ect. Love it ;)